The Letters
When Jack and I first started corresponding it was using old-fashioned means including paper and pen. I used to send Jack books of stamps - he always
liked stamps. Then we moved to e-mail, considerably cheaper.
The topics were many and varied:
the use of the English language, and especially the word 'Hullo'
3D pictures and films and all the associated paraphernalia
his work down the years, including that dinosaur
computers and why they didn't work properly
urban myths, especially lemmings and their behaviour
The Prisoner
being ill
and this scratches the surface.
Being the hoarder that I am, all this correspondence still exists, including all the instant packs he sent. Much of the correspondence is not funny, but it is amusing and it's
certainly in Jack's style. It is, I believe, pretty interesting too. There are some sketches, unpublished items, 3D stuff, greetings cards, bits and pieces that can see the light of day.
Some have already appeared, as comments on pages or in Jack's blogs (now gone) occasionally slightly edited or adapted.
Regular strip contributor Robin Edmonds has also sent some scans of letters he received from Jack.