Mr Oliver wrote (in 2003):
Two or three years ago, I was put in touch with a Mr. John Hodgson, who was looking for someone to illustrate a strip that he had written. He was some sort of Business or
Science writer, and his jokes had to be explained to me (not a good sign!). I'm not keen on illustrating other people's work, but I gave it a go. I don't think he was too keen on the
results, either. Sadly, I didn't keep copies and I don't even remember the name of the cartoon!
The same John Hodgson had, however, previously been commissioned to compile a book of interesting facts. He gave me a copy (free) and it inspired me to come up with my
own strip, based on snippets from the book. I wrote and drew one or two samples. Actually, two. Although he seemed to like them, I never heard from him again.
This is the first time that the samples have seen the light of day.